Buyside Search



That Scales.



About Us

We bring 20+ years of capital markets experience to bare to help you build proprietary deal flow


We perform platform and add-on searches for multiple industries across every stage of the business lifecycle

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas praesent gravida.

Performit Group

We aren’t bankers. Our backgrounds as investment professionals at firms managing over $4B in AUM gives us a unique perspective and enables a high-value, high-touch model

Traditional Buy-Side Firms

Bankers/brokers tend to view engagements through a transactional lens; there is a difference between deal experience and investment experience

Performit Group

We operate a Partner-led, retained-search model with only one engagement per sector at any time.

Traditional Buy-Side Firms

Large, traditional buyside search providers often have overlapping engagements, resulting in deal flow that isn’t always exclusive.

Performit Group

We utilize leading edge enterprise sales technology and evidence-based, omni-channel outreach strategies to drive higher conversion rates at scale.

Traditional Buy-Side Firms

Typically utilize legacy marketing channels that aren’t customizable at scale and are often outsourced.

Performit Group

We aim to provide maximum operating leverage for our clients and rigorously pre-qualify each target to ensure only high-quality leads make it through the filter.

Traditional Buy-Side Firms

Minimal pre-screening and transactional focus results in lower lead quality and ultimately wasted time.

Performit Group

We combine high-touch research with AI-driven data extraction tools to conduct exhaustive searches with differentiated breadth, depth and specificity.

Traditional Buy-Side Firms

Heavy reliance on personal networks, third-party subscription platforms and stale internal databases generate limited opportunity sets that often are not truly proprietary.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.

Personalized Investments
Fast Support
Our Process

We have the Best
Features for You

Our process is data-driven, utilizing best-in-class target identification technology and enterprise sales tactics to identify, connect, and convert high-quality, out-of-process opportunities based on specific client criteria

  • Define: Detailed review of investment criteria/objectives to inform pipeline build
  • Research: Conduct exhaustive industry and market research to identify high-fit acquisition targets
  • Messaging: Evidence-based approach to messaging and marketing materials
  • Strategy: Design bespoke outreach campaign across multiple channels (e.g. email, phone, direct mailers, LinkedIn)
  • Outreach: Campaigns typically begin to yield results after ~2 weeks; messaging and strategy continually refined to optimize results
  • Pre-Qualification: Goal during initial phases is to convert leads to intro screening calls with our team to confirm target fit
  • Target Profiles: For high-quality leads, we compile information gathered into concise executive summary for review with client team 
  • Introductions: Following review of the target profile, we will coordinate an introductory meeting between the client and prospect
  • Weekly Calls:
    • In addition to ad-hoc communication to discuss warm leads, we typically implement recurring weekly or bi-weekly calls with our clients throughout the engagement
    • Our goal is to integrate as an effective extension of our client’s teams with a focus on providing maximum operating leverage
  • Pipeline Tracker:
    • Fully customizable and regularly updated
    • Includes metrics to track progress/conversion rates, pipeline status, prospect categorization, etc.

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